What this is

If you've stumbled upon this by chance, this is a feature mini-blog from http://kornsarcade.blogspot.com/ , its parent blog. Just so it's into context, this is a list of games that fit pre-determined categories, presented one per day.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Day 25 - A game I plan on playing: Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Gaming has it better than every other hobby when it comes to anticipation. I've yet to hear of a stamp collector spending endless hours reading previews and obsessing over screenshots of stamps to come. Or a butterfly collector. Or anything, really. And as soon as the game you've been expecting comes out, it immediately and automatically gives its spot to something else. Back on the original list, it was Duke Nukem Forever. With it being released a couple of days ago, and finished scant hours ago, Skyrim takes its place for me. This may sound hypocritical to those who know me, because they know I don't hold the Elder Scrolls games in high regard. Make that Bethesda games. The characters always feel fake to me, hollow, the main story uninteresting, the quests just xp-rewarding chores, the game mechanics clunky. This is just one man's opinion, of course. Morrowind excited me, only to disappoint me. Oblivion excited me, only to rape me while shouting "Stop right there you criminal scum!" when I complained it was being too rough. Skyrim has me excited yet again. Let's just hope it's not going to do something even worse to me when it comes out.

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