What this is

If you've stumbled upon this by chance, this is a feature mini-blog from http://kornsarcade.blogspot.com/ , its parent blog. Just so it's into context, this is a list of games that fit pre-determined categories, presented one per day.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Day 10 - Best gameplay: Crysis

Although, truly many a great game were considered for this, on a whim I decided to go with Crysis. The richness of the gameplay on an FPS in Crysis was unprecedented. You could be a silent, Predator-like stalker of the jungle, or you could be an unstoppable nanosuit force of nature. Or both. You could maximize your guns and go at it in search for vantage points, or go in guns blazing and soldier-grabbing. You could throw people through buildings, make home runs with trees as your bat and soldiers or even trucks as your balls, you could punch tanks. You could slap someone dead with a chicken. What more do you want from an FPS, really?

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